Frequently Asked Questions

I can't see the profile picture

We only show public information. So you will not be able to see the photo if it has hidden in its privacy settings.

Is it possible to see if a contact is online?

No, we no longer offer that information

How many numbers can I check in a day?

20.000 with private servers or 300.000 sending us a csv file with numbers.

I get a pack, but i don't get the credit on my account

The credit may take up to 12 hours to appear in your account

I can't see the status phrase

We only show public information. So you will not be able to see the phrase if it has hidden in its privacy settings.

Can I see the last connection?

No, we no longer offer that information

Have private server a limit?

Yes, one number every 4 seconds, thats aprox 500.000 numbers in one month.

How it works private server?

Take a look at our documentation: https://checkwa.online/documentation/

I have not found an answer here

You can send your question via contact form here: https://checkwa.online/contact/

Or via WhatsApp here: +34680563629

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